Monday, January 23, 2012

Change and Contrast in perspective Exercise

I decided to warm up in the practice room, I felt the tension and stress melt away when my fingers hit the keys. But, if only that joy wasn’t always so damn short lived.
On my way back to the green room, an unfamiliar woman with a painted face and bio-hazard looking hair put a hand on my arm.
“Oh, you must be Mary! Caroline’s daughter!”
“Maralie.” I corrected. “Caroline Faulk is my mother.”
“Oh yes. I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m Nissa, a friend of your mother’s.”
“Oh yes, I remember you.” I lied through a fabricated smile.
“Are you performing tonight?” No I’m just here to watch all the other extremely talented people.
“Yes, I am.”
“Oh that’s wonderful! What are you doing?” And you pretend to know me. Wasn't I always just the happy little piano prodigy?
“I’m playing the piano.”
“Ooh, what song?”
“ “Innocence like mirrors”.”
“I don’t think I know that one, who’s it by?”
Me, of course, bitch! Why in the name of all things holy would I do a fucking-
“I have to be going, I should be getting ready.” Anything to avoid the empty acidic praise.
“Oh, I’m so sorry for keeping you!” I hurried away. Letting my smile dissolve. I hate empty small talk. I hate it.
In the green room, I grabbed my book, An Imperial Affliction and sat in the corner while the other performers chatted and milled about. I quietly kept track of the time. Timing how long it took for Allen to find me. He didn't. Was he not here? Did he put himself in exile after he snapped? Come to think of it, I hadn't seen him at school either… Funny. Allen being here is such a regularity, that I suppose, I've just taken his incessant attempts at cheering me up, for granted.

That's probably why he broke. He got nothing in return. That kind of love can crush a person. “Hey, Lisa!”
“Oh hey, Mara! You nervous?”
“No, not really. But, isn’t Allen supposed to be here?”
Her face fell. “Well, yeah, but, I havn’t seen him. No one has. Unless you have.”
“I haven't. That’s why I’m asking you.”
“Oh. Since you two are such good friends-” Are we?
“Well, no. He hasn’t told me anything.”
“But didn’t you see him last?”
“Yeah.” I felt my blood run cold. Remembering what happened. I instinctively placed a hand gingerly on my arm, where the bruise was. “He was really...upset. But, I though he- that he was the resilient type.” Lies, lies lies and more lies. He’s not resilient. I’ve know since the day I met him. He’s weak, susceptible, insecure and scared. And-- and I just, abandoned him.
“You okay, Mar?”
“If it’s any consolation, He really likes you.”
“Like I don’t know that!”
“So you’re leading him on?”
“No! He knows how I feel about him!”
“But...Do you?
“Yes. I do.” I said angrily. Just as the stage manager came into to tell us places.
“Break a leg,” She said with smile.
“You too.”
I was set to perform near the end of the first half. I returned to my corner as the names were read off. Finally the manager called my name.
From the wings, I watched Lisa and her friend Jason performing together. She sang with her silky-sweet voice, while he played his guitar. Their song choice was acceptable, but I noticed something.
They were happy, really truly happy. Smiling with joy from the music they created.
Suddenly I though of Allen again, about the song he wrote, that sad, and heart-breakingly accurate song, about me, for me.
The applause was hardly enough to jerk me from my reverie and go sit at the piano.
“And next up we have, Maralie Faulk performing an original song entitled “Innocence like Mirrors”. Give her a nice big round of applause.” Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
The only sort of music going through my head was Allen’s song. Now come on. Key of B, no Key of B minor.
I hit the first chord. A light, melancholy one in the higher range. Slowly working my way down in a waterfall of parallel minor scales, landing harmoniously on a major chord not included in the key signature.
But it wasn’t the chord I wanted. Different than intended. I hastily continued the intro. Trying to stay focused on the song structure. I played the introductory melody. Beginning, a bit timidly in my average mezzo-soprano voice.

I once got lost in my reflection
Everything I knew,
A whisper away.
A mirror that stood in front of me,
Taller and broader but still me
Until I saw me walk away
And leave me behind

Return to me,
Return to me,
The solitude I crave
Bury me
Bury me
Behind that glass once again

On to the interlude, and variation of the melody over different chords. When suddenly, a note I hit sent my fingers along a different melody.
His. Melody.
I panicked. The second verse completely forgotten, so I skipped to the solo. Picking a chord progression and running with it. Letting my right hand dance in the upper octaves of the piano. When I hit the climax of the piece, the words just flew out of my mouth. The words he wrote for me. The words that could have saved him.

No matter where you go
No matter what you do
I’ll always sing this song for you
Broken lives,
Broken hearts, broken promises
Inside of those eyes
I smiled and stood up from the piano having to cut the song short with a triumphant arpeggio spanning all 88 keys. They cheered. Called out “Bravo” “Encore” and what-have you. But the solace I would have had in that song was gone. My ability to learn and absorb music had turned against me.
Reminding me of how heartlessly I'd acted towards Allen. Ignoring his cry for help.
What did he ever see in me?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sorta Year-end essay.

“No! NO!!!! IT CANNOT END LIKE THIS!” I screamed as the ending credits rolled for “Fullmetal Alchemist: Conquer of Shamballa”. The ending leaving the Protagonist, Edward Elric with his brother Alphonse, stranded  in a parallel universe away from his support, inspiration and potential love interest, Winry Rockbell. Although it was never about their romantic relationship, (which is what makes the couple so intriguing) This interpretation of the Fullmetal alchemist story tore my heart apart. They made a promise dammit! So I proceeded to wallow in despair while watching the last episode of the remake that followed the original storyline, and my heart was mended slightly.
But I could not shake my feelings of rejection to such a reality where they were separated. So, an idea for a fanfiction was born. At this point in time, I had very little exposure to any decent fanfiction, and in fact had never written any before (That stuff I wrote when i was twelve doesn't exist.). Then, I truly understood how they were started.
Since this Parallel World model runs where there are two versions of any given person living similar but separate lives. The same personality, and at least vaguely identical appearance. The dividing factor being the world from where Edward and Alphonse Elric originated, Alchemy is the driving science and pride of their native country. According to the producers of the 2003 anime and movie, their Alchemy is fueled by the life force of the residents of the doppelganger world. (our world)
So I figured, what’s to keep the brothers from meeting the alternate version of Winry? I brought this idea to my close Friend Averi, because she had at least more experience writing and dealing with fanfiction. The idea was extremely rough, and we thought it would probably be just a few chapters dealing with their reactions. She came up with an at the time, throw away idea. “Oh, wouldn’t it be a twist if she was the real Winry?”. At that time, for some reason, the immensity of that concept failed to pass through my mind.
So here we are. A year, 45,000 words, many sleepless nights, ideas for two sequels and a lot of insanity later, trying to iron out the kinks that go with global transient amnesia and close calls with horny soldiers. Not to mention the insane amount of emotional baggage that the characters already lug around. From this I have begun to truly understand how it feels to be an author. Although people will discount this work because the characters and situation are not of my own making, but, I have thought and agonized and researched enough to at least make up for this story I believe. This journey of understanding these characters is the exact same as what I go through making original characters. Understanding the deepest of needs, wants, and their stories. Every possible little thing that could influence their actions or relationships.
While writing the fanfiction I took up several side stories and separate stories to test out different parts of my writing abilities. All of these experiences and discoveries have fed in to this fanfiction, Remember Me, also facilitating my growth as not only a creative individual, but  a human being this past year.
Say what you will, but any creative outlet is what you make it and never deserves to fall under one umbrella term. One this that I learned through all of this, something that I hope to carry with me for the rest of my life:
Nothing is ever black and white.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I'm trying to block
it all out
the screaming,
it's eating away
at my glass shell.
this impudent,
little child.
13 years young.
he can't see!
he won't see
just how stupid 


Don't call me normal.
It's not a reassurance,
it's an insult!
I don't want to want to disappear!
Please! anything but that!
Don't label me,
don't ride me off.
I don't want to fade, 
into the world's shadow.


I'm just a speck,
a dot.
Nothing special,
nothing big,
I like to pretend that I am a spot.
Maybe a smudge.
A stain,
Something noticeable.

Car Crash

My blood is where it shouldn't be.
On the hood of the car,
outside of me.
It wasn't my fault,
that car hit me.
But now, shards of the screeching pain,
are in me.
Where my life should ,
Spilling my future,
my promise,
on the ground.
Where did it go?
The motion in my limbs!
The thoughts in my head?


I'm sitting.
Wasting away.
Dripping from the sighs, 
of the sky.
Puddling amongst the millions,
Wasted away.